Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

tugas bahasa inggris soft skill

contoh kalimat past tense :

1. (+) I saw her standing there
    (-) I did not see her standing there
    (?) when did her standing there ?

dari kalimatdiatas menggunakan simple past tense lebih lengkap nya sebagai berikut.

bentuk umum :
S + V2                                    +
S + did + not + V1                  -
Did + S + V1                          ?
Didn't + S + V1                       ?

simple past tense di gunakan untuk :

menyatakan atau menanyakan kejadian di masa lampau.
contoh :

an hour ago Ms. Lola taught my class science.

yesterday, i got 5 in math

last week, i forgot to do my social science task

I launched this blog on october 14th 2010

My Father bought this tv last year

They went to Tokyo last month

She went home five minutes ago

I saw her standing there

I played tennis with some guys from work yesterday

We stayed in Bandung for five days

I walked 1 kilometers yesterday

kalimat simple present tense.

bentuk umum.

S + V1/Vs                               +
S + do/does + not + V1           -
Do/Does + S + V1                   ?
Dont'/Doesn't + S + S               ?

simple present tense biasanya di gunakan untuk :

menyatakan atau menanyakan kebiasaan.
berikut ini contoh kalimat dari cerita di bawah.

he usually does his task quickly
dia biasanya mengerjakan tugasnya dengan cepat
Dia ( Adi ) memiliki kebiasaan mengerjakan tugas dengan cepat

contoh kalimat :

Adi is a funny pupil

He is diligent but rather absent-minded

he usually does his task quickly

but, he often forgets where he puts his pen

he never comes late at school

but, sometimes he wears the wrong socks

however, his friends love him

my mother always wakes me up every 4.30 a.m.

lia does not like drinking coffee

aji is not a doctor